A Lesson from Medusa on Boundaries

Medusa is often misunderstood. Some see her as a monster. As a seductress. Titles the collective unconscious labels as inherently evil and bad.

Where if we dig even a little deeper, she was a mortal gorgon, raped, killed and beheaded by gods as a trophy.

I see her turning men into stone, not because she is inherently bad, but as a self protection mechanism.

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Is Toxic Positivity getting in the way of your pleasure and your money?

When we suppress our grief, our fear, our anger and disgust, we are also turning down the volume on our joy, our delight, our wonder and our ecstasy. One of my core principles that I will help students integrate in The Glimmer Mastermind is to feel the fullness of our humanity.

Because I choose to not wait to be perfect or to feel the best to go after my heart's desires. I don't let every emotion dictate my heart's work.

And you can decide to do the same.

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Luna DietrichComment
What Happens When You Journey into the Underworld

Writing down my subconscious thoughts onto paper is choosing to travel down into the underworld. The underworld is our subconscious. Exploring the underworld is exploring our fears, expectations, deepest longings and hidden biases.

When they exist simply as shadows, they are terrifying. I avoid looking directly at them. But their shadows haunt me. Drain me like vampires.

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Luna DietrichComment
Struggling with Imposter Syndrome and Feeling Messy

It's normal to have moments of feeling like an imposter, of feeling disoriented, or like we know nothing, or have nothing to offer.

We are our own worst critics. We can be so freaking hard on ourselves.

However, to be able to be in service, we have got to get out of our own way. These are some thoughts on where to start.

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Luna DietrichComment
Moving Toward Love or Away from Fear

Fear is a powerful force. It's not all bad. It helped us survive. It often gets a bad rap. It often gives us signals, but we need to put these signals into CONTEXT and come back to our own agency.

What has helped us survive in the past is often NOT what we need to expand, grow, love, feel alive, be present and dream of the future.

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Luna DietrichComment
Separating Money from Capitalism

There is a difference between money and capitalism. I know that may be hard to believe, especially since there are many more examples of money being tied to exploitation than not. Capitalism muddles money. But money and capitalism are not the same.

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Luna DietrichComment
Everyone Started Somewhere (If you are worried about creating the perfect offering)

I see a lot of digital business owners wanting to have the PERFECT offering and to work in the shadows, and then come out bursting with the new polished project that everyone will love and that no one will be hurt by. But there is no such thing as perfection that will save you from causing harm. If we want to be an embodied leader who leads with their heart and values, we have to build our shame resiliency and learn to be able to show up messy, with care, and use the feedback we get to inform our work and business going forward.

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Make Pleasure Your Business

To be an embodied leader who leads with their heart and values – but really to get anything we want out of life – we have run our businesses with and from a place of pleasure. We can get so focused on dismantling systems of oppression that we forget what we would like to build in their place. Pleasure is one way to do that.

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Luna DietrichComment
10 Questions for Your New Year's Ritual

If you are somewhere in between, i.e., you want to do something to acknowledge the new year but you are also feeling resistant to opening up to the possibilities (because what's the point after the dumpster fire 2020 has been?), then I have something that might hit the spot.

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Luna DietrichComment
A practice for facing self-sabotage.

Sometimes we avoid doing what we want because we have hidden and unconscious fears of our success, our power, and getting what we want. What we want doesn't feel safe.
For example, if you desire to have your own business, the hidden fear may be of needing to develop self-discipline. Or if the desire is wanting to build an instagram following, the hidden fear may be of visibility. Or If the desire is wanting more hot passionate sex, the hidden fear may be of feeling vulnerable and out of control.

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