Luna Dietrich


A 6 month business mastermind for feminist witches

make more money with meaning & base your whole business in pleasure

enrollment is now open while spots last!


Feminist witches and brave creatives,

Welcome to the threshold of The Glimmer, an intimate group coaching container and a business mastermind & mentorship for Feminist Witches who are ready for an uplevel of more joy, abundance, & stability in their online business.


This pleasure based business mastermind is a 6-month, intimate group container of only 15 people, led by Luna Dietrich.

We start October 25th, 2023, but will likely fill up before then.


It’s a feminist practice to base our business in pleasure.

To let all aspects of our business thrive, including ourselves.

A thriving business means we let pleasure and joy be infused into all parts of the process.

It means means the money we make and the strategies we take feel meaningful and deeply connected to our values.

A thriving business means we don’t have to hustle every single month to make ends meet. Our businesses are profitable.

It means we have time outside of our work for other passions like roller skating, gardening, painting and dancing.

It’s a feminist practice to let ourselves be imperfect.

Imperfection means we get to show up with the fullness of our humanity online. We don’t shy away from showing our anger at the injustices in the world or from fiercely celebrating the fuck out of our success.

It means we let ourselves be BRAVELY creative.

We know creativity requires mess and messiness is inherent to doing anything worthwhile. To be human is to be messy.

We let our humanity be a part of our imperfect, pleasure based business.

It’s a feminist practice to trust ourselves with money and power.

We know that money and power have systematically been hoarded by white cis men who feel a sense of scarcity.

We know when we build abundance from the inside out, we feel connected, not separate.

We see ourselves as stewards, rather than hoarders, of wealth and power.

We know we are worthy.

We know that when we win, everyone wins.


Following your GLIMMER is not about following a rigid 1, 2, 3 formula on how to “triple your sales”, no matter its impact on your body, your clients, or our planet.

It’s about nourishing your nervous system, building shame resilience, challenging your beliefs, and basing everything in pleasure.

Following your GLIMMER in business is about pairing all of that with smart, simple strategy that works for YOU.

So that you can…

  • have the freedom to show up just as yourself even if that’s in your sweatpants.

  • make consistent money and money moves even when your emotions aren’t consistent.

  • let pleasure be infused every step like a warm cup of chai on a foggy morning.


Maybe you’re tired of the mainstream scripts you see where exhausted activists swim in systemic guilt & learned rigidity?

Where hustle culture is not only glorified, but seen as the only way?

Where capitalism has us confused that the only way to make money is to exploit & manipulate?

Where the script is “You must be better than your competition!” and you are seen as weak if you ask for help?

Where, if it’s not perfect, you will be humiliated or even punished?

I’m tired too.

But I am not fed up with these shady scripts because of our own personal shortcomings.

I’m fed up because these issues are systemic.

Pleasure oppression, hustle culture* and systemic perfectionism are fucking with our bodies and our businesses.

These systemic issues breed a culture that feeds on our shame and fear, and gives us non-consensual scripts and rigid rules on how to successfully run our businesses, while leaving out integral parts:

Our humanity. Our PLEASURE. The safety to choose what feels integral to us rather than choosing from rigidity and urgency.

*hustle culture is a term coined by Ruth Newton


When you expand and nourish your nervous system, you expand and nourish your business.


What Pleasure Oppression, Hustle Culture & Systemic Perfectionism look like in business…

  • You operate out of urgency and anxiety… another month of SCRAMBLING to make ends meet, better sell another thing now!

  • You are tired of business coaches who lack nuance; who don’t name privilege, white supremacy, or classism; who use binary and heteronormative language, and who just focus on mindset without addressing the root cause of our struggles or working towards collective liberation.

  • You feel embarrassed to enjoy making money or to ever raise your prices, or you don’t trust yourself with money.

  • You are highly trained and very skilled, but fully stepping into your CEO feels scary.

  • You are in the feast and famine cycle. Making a chunk of money and then wondering where it all went, and then it’s back to panic selling.

  • You play small from imposter syndrome; no matter how many trainings or how much recognition you’ve gained, asking for money feel ROUGH. How could you possibly know enough? What if you HURT someone?

  • You must do it all alone. You can’t ask for help; leaders don’t get help, if someone helps you, then you will be indebted, manipulated, controlled, oh my.

It doesn’t have to be this way.


Less urgent strategies, more relaxed success.

Less leader isolation, more community and collaboration.

Less systemic perfectionism, more brave creativity.

Less systemic guilt, more trusting yourself with power and money.



If you are ready to work with a pleasure based business coach with a witchy & trauma resolution lens who can support you to…

  • Shift your business strategy to that of safely being yourself even if that means hanging out in your sweats while swearing like a sailor.

  • Feel way less perfectionism and unleash the well of your creativity so you can’t even FATHOM feeling writers block again.

  • Build your nervous system capacity to show up, serve and get paid so you can have consistent 5K, 10k, 15k, 20k months.

  • Hire and manage team so you feel deeply supported and get lots of time off to frolick like a kid again.

  • Take the ick out of marketing by ditching the bro marketing rule book and make your copywriting more consensual and EXCITING to share.

  • Embody the energetics of leadership so you can face the necessary hard shit and run your business like a boss witch rather that have it run you.

  • Develop a nuanced mindset & spiritual practice that doesn’t bypass, but helps you get intimate with your spirit guides & embody abundance so you know how fiercely powerful and protected you are.


Meet Your Pleasure Based Business Coach

Luna Dietrich


Hey. I’m Luna Dietrich, aka the Pussy Witch.

My pronouns are they/them. I’m a Feminist, Somatic & Pleasure Based Business Coach. I help brave creatives base their business in pleasure and disrupt systemic guilt, hustle culture, and leader isolation. I’m a writer, healer, gardener, dancer and lifelong learner of dismantling white supremacy. Raised Catholic and a born people pleaser, knowing what I want, in my sex life and business, hasn’t always been easy.

I’m offering The Glimmer because I’m tired of the mainstream scripts I see: either exhausted activists and healers swimming in systemic guilt, not feeling worthy of the responsibility of money and leadership


cis white women spiritual bypassing or hustling their way up a falsely seductive ladder, only to then burnout too.

I am carving out and adding to a different path.

One with nuance, pleasure, somatics, accountability, and abundance.

My first digital course reached hundreds of people and made over 20K, with no email list, no paid advertising, and less than 10K of an instagram following.

However, I was stuck in the feast and famine cycle. I would make a chunk of money at once, but then didn’t feel safe holding this money so it would evaporate. This led me into urgently launching again. Launching from a place of urgency would exhaust me so I wouldn’t have thea capacity to sell again until money ran out. The cycle continued.

Now, with the grounding support of my core pleasure based business principles, I make consistent stable income, have made over 6 figures the past 4 years, have over 10K months every month, have led well over 4,000 students through my courses all while still having time for life outside of work for other passions like dancing, gardening, reading all of my fantasy books, my fur babies, and date nights with my sweetie.

With a feminist framework of Pleasure Based Business, my work is trauma-informed, somatic focused, and justice rooted. I love helping feminists and brave creatives, healers, & educators disrupt pleasure oppression by releasing shame, trauma, and internalized prejudices.

Because I love helping you feel safe being visible just as yourself, make money that feels abundant and well resourced, and let pleasure fuel you to show up for your BIG, brave, and heartfelt work.

"I love the way how Luna coaches. I love the nuances and normality she brings in. For me it brings so much calmness and relaxation."

Glimmer Client, 2023

"Luna is a teacher among teachers. Their desire to change the world and help their audience grow and lean into their magic is thick and glittering like the milky way. Luna asks you to show up, not only for yourself but for collective liberation. To work with them is to unearth power and knowledge and simultaneously gift it back in an infinite flow of creation and grace."

- Boss Witch Student, 2020


“Within a year of working with Luna, I was able to start prioritising recurring revenue in my business, bring in over $50,000 into my business within the first year, and have showing up for my every day online marketing and selling process feel pleasurable and joyous. Luna has completely transformed the way I think about business, and with the grounded and magickal support that she has offered me, I know that the sky is the limit!”

-Glimmer Client, 2023


Throughout the 6 Months, we will be focusing on the core practices of:

My Pleasure Based Business Method

  • Baby steps. As adrienne maree brown says, “small is all.” We often struggle to take action because we are biting off more than we can chew in one bite. When we break it down into doable pieces, all of the sudden, magic is happening. Results are stacking over time. Breaking it down lets us sustainably expand our nervous system’s capacity. Integrating each new level. Each new level of income. Each new level of visibility. Each new level of shame free expression.

  • Pleasurable Processes. We can get burned out easily when we obsess about the result and don’t get geeky about the process. My method is to, yes, set big juicy goals, but also to focus on making your process of posting on social media, teaching and coaching as pleasurable and joyful as possible. Making it easy and fun. This makes you want to show up again and again. Boom…you’re having fun and getting your big big results: money, freedom and pleasure.

  • Disrupting Rigid Strategies. This mastermind isn’t a one-size-fits-all model. Many different strategies work, but I’ll help you figure out the ones that feel best for YOU. We will help disrupt the rigidity of what you think you SHOULD be doing to make money, to what you GET to do. What feels pleasurable to YOU.

  • Feeling the fullness of our humanity. You don’t need consistent energy to be consistent. Because you don’t need to be in a “certain vibe” to show up. In the Glimmer, we say “fuck you” to toxic positivity. We stop moralizing our feelings or needing to take action from every single feeling. When we don’t make big meaning out of every single emotion, it’s way easier to let our income be consistent even when our feelings aren’t.

  • Building Shame Resilience and Disrupting Perfectionism. A way to make consistent money in a sustainable, pleasurable way is to let ourselves be messy and make mistakes. We don’t make our businesses about our worth because our worth is inherent. We let ourselves experiment, play and learn. We are more focused on learning and serving others than on how perfect we are perceived.

  • Building a foundation of self trust. Imagine how much easier it is to go after what you want when you trust you can handle what happens?! Imagine how much easier it will be to make daily decisions in your business when you TRUST YOURSELF, whether that’s deciding to take a nap or deciding to go live on insta. Self trust is currency.

  • Letting your body be on your side. Our bodies are not the enemy of productivity. I know our bodies can feel like SUCH a burden sometimes.
    But what if the burden was capitalism?
    If it was oppression and all its forms?
    Our limits are gifts. And when we push past them we almost always need to make up for it later. In pleasure based business, we partner with our bodies and let our needs be beautiful messengers so we can truly let all aspects of our business and life thrive.

  • Celebrate everything. Because abundance isn’t about how much you can consume, it’s about how much you can integrate. Like harvesting flower, the more you harvest, the more blooms.

  • Nuanced, Humanizing, Self Loving Mindset. There are ways to get our brains on our side without bypassing feelings or systems of oppression. You can’t hate and critique yourself to loving yourself. I promise you anxiety is not the only motivator for change and self hatred is not required for growth. We will practice knowing our worth, no matter how much we contribute or what results we get – so that we can infuse pleasure in every step of the way.

  • Disrupting Urgency. The Glimmer is not a process you binge in three days. It’s embodied undulating support that goes at the pace your nervous system can handle. We are leaving the feast and famine cycles of income. We are dropping unnecessary hustle. We are not running as soon as something feels off or we have doubts. Instead, we practice making big decisions when we feel more resourced and calm, because this will almost always lead to more sustainable results like stable income and pleasure. This isn’t a silver bullet fix, it’s a complete transformation, infusing safety and pleasure in every aspect of your life and business.

  • Form a consensual loving relationship with money. In pleasure based business, we heal our relationship to money. We separate money from capitalism. We practice making money in consensual, non-exploitative ways. We see ourselves as stewards of wealth. We see money being able to amplify who we already are, a witchy tool that you get to get really good at using to cast your spells in the world.

  • Connecting to Magic. As one of my teachers, Simone Seoul, says, we will help you connect to the spirit of your business. There are loving, supportive forces that want our important work to thrive and reach the right people. Sometimes, what we need is to have a little more trust and remember we aren’t alone. Our work in the world is so much bigger than ourselves.

So that you can…

  • have the freedom to show up just as yourself even if that’s in your sweatpants.

  • make consistent money even when your emotions aren’t consistent.

  • let pleasure be infused in every step like a warm cup of chai on a foggy morning.


“The Glimmer and my cohort truly changed my relationship to my businesss. Luna is a dream and leads with such gentle fierceness, compassion for her students, and their passion is infectious tbh.

-Jude, Glimmer Member 2022 @divinebrujeria

I love Luna's emphasis on practical tools and frameworks. From layers of support, to PEMSER, to the model, to the somatic orienting practices […] - these all really helped me to feel like "oh, I have some practical tools to use and turn to when I'm having a moment of stress in my business!". Luna's emphasis on orienting back to these and naming them again and again has helped to really sink them into my memory and remember that I call on these tools at anytime.”

- The Glimmer Student, 2023

"Being in the Glimmer felt like Luna was my own personal cheerleader for each new business milestone!"

Glimmer Client, 2023


What you get in The Glimmer

  1. The Glimmer is a 6 month, pleasure based business mastermind and mentorship, for only 15 ppl max. I will coach each and every one of you again and again, get hyper focused on your business and help you find the strategies that work for you, bring you pleasure, freedom, and money.

    (All calls will be recorded so it’s okay if you need to miss one!)

  2. Live Trainings

    Live calls will be on Wednesday 2-4 PM Eastern Time beginning October 25th and will be a mixture of high level trainings (based on the specific groups needs), group coaching, and somatics.

  3. Tailored, personalized Intake Forms

    When you enter the Glimmer, you will receive an Orientation Intake form (which many of my clients have found INCREDIBLY clarifying to fill out for themselves) and helps me determine what specific masterclasses and training to teach to help meet your personalized needs and to help you track your progress during the six months we will be working together.

  4. Daily Group Support

    Monday - Thursday you get direct coaching and mentoring from me via voice message or text in our personal Glimmer Telegram group chat so I can meet you where you are at in your business. You get to ask me questions, vent when you need to, and I will encourage you to celebrate every day (one of the biggest tools to business growth!).

    Imagine being able to ask specific questions that may take you years to figure out on your own, get support through the emotional highs and lows of running a business that normally would have you starting and stopping and being in a container of high level conversations and resource sharing on the daily that supports you to not only dream bigger, but to take action and embody your biggest, boldest, and most loving boss witch self.

  5. Access to my monthly “Success Spells” workshops

    At the beginning of each month I lead Business Witch alumni and current private clients through a somatic practice and meditation, where we set a personal intention and goal for the month. Once we’ve done that, we break it down into doable pieces and map it out for the month so you can realign to your vision and define the steps to get there again, and again, and again — until it’s a reality.

    As a Glimmer member, you will have access to these supportive intention setting workshops for free.

  6. Access to my Six-Month Business Witch course

    As a Glimmer member, you get access to Business Witch from 2022 (includes 21 class recordings) AND acess to all classes for the next live round happening this winter, which will include many more live trainings (+$2,000 value) — so you get ALL OF the trainings at a ridiculous value!

    If you were debating between taking my Business Witch course and this mastermind, come join the mastermind, Business Witch is included. And the Glimmer comes with way more personalized support.

  7. Access to my self-paced course, Pleasure Witch Academy: disrupt pleasure oppression and root into fierce self love (Valued at $777 )

  8. Access to my self-paced journaling course, Take Care: Abundance and Boundaries, 60 Days of Journaling ($88)

    Yes, you’ve read correctly: ✨ By joining the Glimmer, you get access to ALL of my most fundamental courses — at no extra cost. ✨

  9. Mastermind Prep Work

    To help you get the most out of The Glimmer, get oriented to my pleasure based business method, and to set you up for success with more pleasure, the safety to express yourself, and more money, there will be recorded trainings and a resource list of books, podcasts, and business leaders and thinkers to follow to prep for the live classes.

    Live Class Outline for the Glimmer

    Wednesdays @ 2-4 PM Eastern Time

    Class 1: October 25th: Orientation

    Class 2: November 1st : Masterclass*

    Class 3: November 15th: Masterclass

    Class 4: November 29th: Group Coaching*

    Class 5: December 6th: Masterclass

    Class 6: December 13th: Masterclass

    Class 7: December 20th: Group Coaching

    Class 8: January 3rd: Masterclass

    Class 9: January 17th: Masterclass

    Class 10: January 31st: Group Coaching

    Class 11: February 14th: Masterclass

    Class 12: February 28th: Group Coaching

    Class 13: March 13th: Masterclass

    Class 14: March 27th: Group Coaching

    Class 15: April 10th: Masterclass

    Class 16: April 24: Closing Ceremony

    * The Glimmer will have both masterclasses and group coaching calls. Masterclasses will primarily focus on teaching the pleasure based business practices that are fundamental to my method (mindset, strategy, nervous system support). Group coaching classes are spaces for you to ask your personal questions and get individual support by me (and input from other members). While you can always ask me questions and get support in the Telegram group and during masterclass sessions, group coaching classes will give us the space to work trough your specific questions together live.

    Note: While I have created a beautiful outline, class times and content are subject to change depending on the collective needs.

    Live Class Outline for the Monthly Meditation & Goal Setting Workshops

    Typically First Monday of the Month @3 PM Eastern Time

    Monday, November 6th, 2023 @ 3 PM

    Monday, December 4th, 2023 @ 3 PM

    Monday, January 2nd, 2023 @ 3 PM

    Business Witch Live Classes

    Will be Tuesdays @ 3-4:30 PM Eastern Time; likely starting in January 2024

    And if you’ve worked with me before you know I always throw secret bonuses in!


Luna is a magnificent coach, teacher and facilitator who deeply cares about their clients. Being in Luna's aura and energy feels like lying on grass on a sunny day.”

-Glimmer Client, 2023


The Glimmer is for you if…

  • You know the hustle, intimately. You’ve had some success, but you know continuing with business as usual will burn you out. You are ready to have more success, but from pleasure!

  • You have a bunch of a different offerings and want clarity on what to focus on and what to scale.

  • You are beyond ready to hire and you want support in doing it well!

  • You feel stuck in client relationships that feel exhausting and are harboring resentment. You are ready to feel so much freedom to express your needs, boundaries and your relationships to be in PLEASURE.

  • You need help managing team and stepping into your role as a CEO. You don’t want to give up why you got into this work in the first place!

  • You know you need business support and feel the power of community, but feel lost in the big online courses. You want more intimacy, more accountability, more high level conversations.

  • You are ready to have a loving, consensual relationship with money and your business and yourself!

  • You are wanting support from someone with a neurodivergent brain. ADHD here! You want support in building a business and pleasurable schedule that works for YOUUU.

  • You are ready to stop feeling such urgency and start feeling more ease in your business.

  • You are ready to go ALL IN.

  • The thought of doing this feels equally exhilarating and scary – but you know that it’s time.


The world needs you to be your most accountable, most pleasure full, most authentically expressed self.

And so does your business.


Are you ready for a deeply supportive container to help you get abundantly well paid and visible for the work you KNOW in your bones you are meant to do?



> When does The Glimmer begin?

You can access the preparatory materials of the course immediately. The live calls and cohort will begin October 25th, 2023.

> How long do I have access to the course?

You will have access to the prep materials, recordings, and Business Witch courses for at least 1 year, if not longer. My policy is only to promise one year to cover my bum.

> What exactly does The Glimmer include?

6 months of intimate group coaching (15 ppl max): So that I can coach each and every one of you again and again, get hyper focused on your business and help you find the strategies that work for you, bring you pleasure, freedom, and money. I guarantee you will learn just as much from witnessing others being coached as being personally in the hot seat! (If you need to miss a call, they will be recorded! ​

Telegram group support just for the 15 Glimmer members: So that you can have an intimate group of folks who are on the same journey as you and to ask me questions, vent when you need to, and celebrate everyday! Imagine the jet fuel type cauldron of an intimate space that has accountability, connection, celebration, shared reality, and the needed support to help you get where you want to go that much faster. You likely know how hard it is to be around folks who don't get what you are doing or think what you are doing is impossible or irresponsible. Let's change that. ​

Access to live Business Witch course. You also get Business Witch from previous years (includes 30+ hour and half class recordings) AND all classes for the next live round of Business Witch in 2023 which will likely begin January 2024 and include many more live trainings (+$2,000 value): So you get ALL OF the trainings, more live support, more community at a ridiculous value. ​ So if you were debating between taking my Business Witch course and this mastermind…come join the mastermind, Business Witch is included.

To help you get the most out of The Glimmer, get oriented to my pleasure based business method and to set you up for success with more pleasure, the safety to express yourself, and more money, there will be recorded trainings and a resource list of books, podcasts, and business leaders and thinkers to follow to prep for the live classes in The Glimmer. ​ Access to my journaling course, Take Care: Abundance and Boundaries, 60 Days of Journaling ​ Access to my Four Month course, Pleasure Witch Academy: disrupt pleasure oppression and root into fierce self love

And: if you have worked with me before you know I always throw secret bonuses in. 🥰

> How much time per week should I expect to put aside for classes, homework/practice, etc so I can ensure i’m not overcommitting where i don’t have enough time?

As far as what you can expect for time commitment, the biggest commitment is showing up to the live calls which are about every other week and 2 hours long (the dates are listed here). And then getting used to sharing and asking for support in the telegram chat regularly, which doesn't take a ton of time but it's like getting used to flexing a muscle. Maybe 10-20 mins Monday-Thursday. A lot of magic happens in the telegram thread and I know sometimes it can overwhelm people because they feel they need to "keep up" with it before sharing anything in it. That will be something I will be reminding folks of regularly, that you don't need to "keep up" with the chat, your pace is perfect, especially when you decide it is. There will also be some one hour long recorded classes I will recommend folks watching on our off weeks.

Aside from that, to give a general framework for what I recommend for business owners, is averaging about 30 mins of mindset work (whether that's journaling or listening to a podcast), 30 minutes of nervous system support (whether that's meditating or going on a walk or hanging with a friend) and an hour of working on your biz strategy wise (marketing, answering emails) per day.

Because this is a mastermind which is more focused on mentorship for specifically where you are in your business than like a one size fits all course or like in academia (learning and then doing homework to be graded), how much you do outside of the calls and the telegram chat is up to you/your capacity with how much you want to invest in your business.

> I run an in-person brick-and-mortar business and/or retreats but have an online element to my business, is this for me?

As long as some element of your work is online, then yes! If you do marketing or see clients online, this is for you. While my specialty is to support coaches and teachers online, this mastermind heavily focuses on nervous system support and nuanced mindset approaches to consistently put yourself out there, get more clients, work your way to setting prices that help you really thrive, build self trust so making business decisions feels easy, get into pleasure and safety over and over again, stay grounded when clients are having a hard time, learn to find a business strategy that feels really good and then stick to it long enough until it works, and so much more.

Meaning, while not everything I share may apply directly to your brick-and-mortar business, about 85-90% of what we do together will support any business strategy or structure and can apply directly to what you are doing.

> What if I need a refund?

As per industry standard, we cannot offer refunds for digital content that can be downloaded and viewed, or for spots in group coaching. Joining a payment is a commitment to the full payment. Because of this, I ask that you shop mindfully.

> Is The Glimmer just for women?

Nope, The Glimmer is for everyone except for cis men. Racism, ableism, transphobia, fatphobia, sexism, etc. will be called in and repeat actions will result in removal without refund.

> Does this class discuss insurance, trademarking, or taxes?

No. While all of these things are an important part of running a business, that is not my area of expertise.

> Do you offer any scholarships?

Yes. I am offering 3 half-priced scholarships for BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color). If you are interested and this applies to you, please email me at

> I would like to pay for someone else's education who has financial barriers. How do I do that?

Great! You're a rock star. You can paypal to with the note of "Glimmer Scholarship Fund" (this supports more folks getting scholarships in the future)

> I want to learn to become a sex educator like you, will you be teaching that?

No. This course isn't like a sex education certification; it's a business mastermind that can be applied by any activist, healer, creative, sex educator who runs an online business via teaching are coaching and wants to make more money with pleasure and the freedom to market themselves just as they are.

> Do your videos have closed captions?

Yes, we have live captions during the life coaching calls which are available with the recordings as well.

> Disclaimer:

Please cite and give credit to all sources when referencing Glimmer materials, spoken or written words, conversations, images, or my likeness.

All intellectual property and related material (the "Intellectual Property") that is developed or produced in this course is the sole property of me, the faciliator. Copyright, intellectual property rights and distribution rights of the Intellectual Property remain exclusively with the course facilitator.

Have questions to see if this container is a good fit for you? Want support working your decision? Don’t hesitate to ask:


Are you ready to create space for your FUCK YES?

THE GLIMMER MASTERMIND IS NOW FULL BESIDES ONE half off scholarship for BIPOC. Email me if that spot is yours





The Glimmer is a very small container. If you sign up, you're committing to the entire duration of the program.

In Glimmer, we will cultivate a closed container for an intimate group of folks going on a journey together. In order to preserve the integrity of this process, I cannot accept new members after enrollment closes. This means that if someone drops out, I won't fill their spot with someone else. It also means that if you choose to drop out before the end date, your payment is still due in full. As per industry standard, we cannot offer refunds for digital content or for spots in group coaching. Joining is a commitment to the full payment! Because of this, I ask that you shop mindfully.
