Luna Dietrich

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This one tool helped me change everything in my business...

Hey, love!

If you’re used to…

  • starting and stopping in your business and not sure how to get that consistent, sustainable income going...

  • constantly feeling anxious and scanning for threats

  • dropping projects and going onto the next thing before you get the results you want...

I invite you to try this instead:


Fireworks by

That you are reading this blog post?

Celebrate yourself. 🥳

That you got ten likes on an instagram post?

Celebrate yourself. 🧚🏿

That you set a boundary with a client?

Celebrate yourself. 🦄

That you took a break and rested today?

Celebrate yourself. 🌈

Some business coaches would argue that we shouldn't celebrate ourselves for the little things because we "should" just consider all of these things to be the bare minimum, but me and my ADHD brain disagree.

When I celebrate myself for simply showing up, resting, and for both big and small wins in my business and life, it helps me to...

  • integrate and notice what IS working.

  • honors my body and my labor.

  • make the process soooo much fun. Every step of the way gets to be pleasurable!!!

Which all helps me take better care of my body and go at a pace that feels sustainable AND feel more comfortable holding and having more success (more on that later).

Because if we stay in it long enough, we will win. We will get the results we want.

When I go at a pace that honors my nervous system's capacity, I not only get the results I want, but I am able to repeat the results I want again and again...

I see this difference help people go from 10K launches and not being able to sell anything again for 6 months to having recurring 10K months, every single month!

What else happens when we don't celebrate every step of the way?

We forget how to do it alltogether!

I can't tell you how many times I've seen people get the results they want and they still aren't happy or relaxed.

They haven't celebrated at all before they move onto the next thing.

Or they move onto the next before getting the results they want with the first project...because they aren't celebrating and seeing that it is actually working.

But it's not their fault...

Capitalism teaches us scarcity and sexism teaches us to play small. That celebrating is bragging which is egotistical and unsafe. That we must not brag or our ego will get too big and all of our success will be taken away. That it's unsafe to be big in front of others because we will lose connection and community.

Well, my love, you can't be too big for me.

You can't be too successful for me.

You can't have too much pleasure for me.

I want you to brag to me.

I want to uplift your business and your whole freaking life UP!

Because I trust you with success.

I know when feminists have more money and power, we all win.

It can be uncomfortable to celebrate each step. It can be tricky to notice where we are fixating on what's not working rather than what is.

So let me help you win. I will call out where you are winning even when you can't see it so you can make your process sustainable, focus on the right things and have way more fun.

Come join me and an intimate group of only 12 boss witches in my pleasure based business mastermind, the Glimmer.

I will lovingly help you stop beating yourself up, pay attention to things that feel generative rather than exhausting and give you the tools to help you...

  • make consistent money

  • have the freedom to show up just as yourself.

  • infuse pleasure every step of the way.

If you are wanting 6 months of intimate group winning, spots are already filling up (we only have a max of 12 spots), so get in here, witch!